Sacramento Aquarium Society

Bringing Aquarium Hobbyists of the Greater Sacramento Valley Together Since 1952

Monthly Auction List

Please post list of what you plan on bringing to the next auction to the SAS Forum to let aquarium hobbyist in our local area know ahead of time what fish/plants will be offered in upcoming auctions so they can research and prepare an aquarium ahead of time for these potential new acquisitions.  If you are planning on bringing fish or plants to a future monthly auction and would like the public to see what you plan on offering please post the following information:

  • Name of person bring fish/plants
  • Species common name
  • Scientific name
  • Recommended Minimum Bid
  • Common Retail Price found in LFS
  • Monthly meeting date the fish/plant will be in the auction
  • Any additional comments

In addition to the above information, you may also attach a photo of what will be offered.