Sacramento Aquarium Society

Bringing Aquarium Hobbyists of the Greater Sacramento Valley Together Since 1952

Monthly Auction Rules

Live and Silent

Last updated 05/23/2022

Auction Lists are Limited to 15 items and Must be checked in by 5:00 pm.

All Auction Items Must be related to the Fishkeeping Hobby.

Only members can sell at monthly meetings, non members may sell at mega auction. See mega auction rules for details.

Live Auction tables are closed to viewing once auction has begun.

The Live Auction is for fish, invertebrates, plants, and aquariums only.

Each Live Auction item needs to be numbered with a sequential (unique) number beginning with the seller's initials (e.g. ABC101, ABC102, etc.).

  • Species (if known) and/or common name
  • Number of fish or plants in the bag
  • Sexes (if known)
  • Fish should be at least 1" total length (Nano species excluded).
  • Fish should be secured in appropriate bag/container (No Ziploc). Inappropriate or leaking bags may be replaced at the expense of the seller ($1 Per Bag).
  • Minimum bids must be written clearly on the container, tank, and form.

All other items are considered dry goods (for Silent Auction).

Minimum bids are encouraged, Minimum bids must be at least $10 for either auction.

Items submitted for the BAP/HAP/Cares must be clearly labeled as such.

6 Fish or 6 invertebrates are required for the BAP in one bag of 6 or two bags of 3.

The auction forms must be filled out by the seller. The dry goods auction requires a 2nd form. Auction Chair will not fill out your forms.

Dry goods must be placed in a tote supplied by the SAS Dry Goods Coordinator. (2
totes max unless there are some leftovers at 4:55 pm).

Once an item is entered in to either auction, it cannot be removed until after the auction concludes.

Any unsold items can be reclaimed by the seller at the end of the auction (not before). Unless other arrangements are made, unsold items not reclaimed by the seller after the end of the auction will become the property of the SAS and may be sold as donations at a later auction.

The Sacramento Aquarium Society reserves the right to place any item in either the live auction or the dry goods auction.

Early check-outs will not be allowed during the final 30 minutes of the auction.

The first 3 dollars of every auction item goes to the club.

OpenOffice Form (fill out on your PC, save and print) Apache OpenOffice <--Click to download it's free.

Google Docs Version - Click on File->Make a copy and save it to your personal Google Drive.

PDF Form (print and fill out)